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Muscle Energy Technique (MET)


The muscle, as an energy unit and source of healing, is almost totally ignored by mainstream medicine. The originator of MET introduced a foolproof system of diagnosing and treating patients using the power and source of skeletal muscle to correct lesions around the body, it is considered to be the most natural way to self-correction. Muscle tightness, in certain areas, cause symptoms that one would not normally associate with skeletal muscle; in these circumstances high velocity trusts (the harsher mechanical methods used by Chiropractors and Osteopaths) would make little or no difference.


MET enables the practitioner to release soft tissue and alleviate severe traumatic/chronic dysfunctions. It is used to realign the spine and pelvis in a gentle and non-invasive fashion, which in turn relieves pain.


A full diagnostic of the spine and pelvis is undertaken to assess just where you are today and any adjustments needed are carried out. Sometimes this is followed by a massage or other treatment. At other times it is done as a stand alone session. You may need a follow up appointment but often one visit is all that is required.


For information of the cost of this and all our other treatments please click here


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